Friday, November 12, 2010

Free Speech Is Still Free Speech No Matter the Forum

Hannah argues in her blog "Hey! Try Thinking Before You Speak..or Act.." that by using social media to bully and attack the views and beliefs of others such as the gay community, the right to freedom of speech is largely taken advantage of.  But I would say that freedom of speech can't be abused by someone voicing their opinion because that is exactly what freedom os speech is.  If I don't agree with the war against terror and I decide to speak out against it, I would be completely justified and protected by the First Amendment to do so.  I concede that certain things might be taboo to talk about in an open environment such as Facebook, but that is a judgement call of the person who decides to voice their opinion.

As someone who fought overseas during three deployments and lost a lot of people I knew, I feel if you start limiting the rights that our country fought for during the American Revolution and continue to fight for today, what's the point of being American?  Free speech is one of the great freedoms Americans enjoy and without that right America isn't America.  I fought for that right and many of my friends died for it. Therefore, for anyone to tell me or anyone else to watch what we say in case, god forbid, we offend someone with our own thoughts and opinions out there in cyberspace is ludicrous.

By the way, people don't seem too concerned with negative and nasty comments made to me and my friends about what we did overseas for this country.  So as far as I'm concerned, if they don't have to bite their tongue to spit in the face of my service, why should I hold mine?