Friday, December 10, 2010

Don't Ask Don't Tell.. Everyone Has an Opinion, But Should They?

In Anthony's blog post he talks about how he believes that gays should be allowed to be in the military without discretion and even states the idea that the feminine ones wouldn't be the ones enlisting.  I ask the question that if it is a man that is as feminine as a woman, then what would keep them from enlisting if women, who also happen to be feminine, are enlisting too.  I would go even further to ask why it is so important for them to have to be flamboyant about their homosexuality, and thrust it upon their peers that work alongside them.  They still don't get all the benefits.  Not all states recognize gay marriage, and if you are from a state that does, just because you're in the military doesn't mean that you and your spouse will receive the same benefits as a straight married couple.Whats more is that even though hazing is "outlawed" in the Marine Corps, it still happens on a daily basis and I can say that from experience.  What is to keep a homosexual from thinking that they are being a victim of a hate crime when they are really just being inducted into the ranks?  Being a former infantry Marine myself, in my own personal opinion, a combat related military occupation generally attracts a hardened individual that generally has little to no regard of personal feelings, and what little they do have is usually stripped from them when they see their closest friends die in combat.  If a homosexual male was attracted to this same military occupation I think that he would most definitely be the victim of a brutal hate crime because he was looked at as being weak.  I know everyone has their own opinion on the matter of the don't ask don't tell policy, which they are entitled to, but I also think that it should ultimately be left up to the troops in the armed forces, particularly in combat operation occupations.  If that means the military will never allow gays, so be it.  The military isn't in existence to make its employees happy, it exists solely to defend our country from all enemies foreign and domestic.  Therefore, in my opinion, Congress should have no say whatsoever in the matter. It should be left up to the military advisors.  Their job exists for a reason too, just like the military.

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